Mackenzie Cobbler

ePathfinder Student

Makeover Madness

Everchanging aesthetics and consumption Makeup and style have always been staples in cosmetic and fashion culture and have evolved within each generation and era. The modern rise of the social media [...]

Eternal Sunshine

Ariana Grande's new studio album Pop artist Ariana Grande released her seventh studio album Eternal Sunshine on March 8th , and fans have been raving about it since Grande announced its release on January [...]

Chasing Euphoria 

The future of the hit MAX series The hit MAX original series Euphoria dropped back in 2020 and captured the hearts of fans instantly with its heavy yet relatable subject matter and unconventional style. It [...]

Plastic Makes Perfect

The new Mean Girls movie Mean Girls (2024) was officially released in theaters on January 12th , and people have had mixed reactions, to say the least. From changes in the movie plot to song choices, and [...]

Public vs. Private

Which school is better? A good school is the steppingstone to a bright future, but to some, this means attending a private school to secure that possibility. The differences between a public and a private [...]

Stand up Speak Out

 Do schools do enough to prevent bullying? Be kind. Be a buddy, not a bully. ‘Always Fight For What Is Right’. These slogans may sound familiar as many students have heard them. Whether it was on a [...]

All Hallow’s Eve

Halloween through the ages October ushers in the season of cobwebs, witches, and candy. As Halloween comes around the corner, people prepare to celebrate the holiday in their respective ways. Although, [...]

Best of Both Worlds

On-campus FIU dual enrollment High school and college act as a bridge between adolescence and adulthood. Preparing for success is crucial in this stage of life, and dual enrollment provides students with [...]

A Line of Beauty

2023 Met Gala On May 1st, the 2023 Met Gala took place. Expectations were low this year after the past Gala's looks left viewers disappointed and wanting more. Although this year, it was a balance of being [...]

Across the Spider-Verse

Upcoming Spider-Man movie It is official, the new animated Spider-Man movie is in the works. Fans have been raving about it since the first trailer dropped in December 2022 and the media buzz about it has [...]