Mackenzie Cobbler

ePathfinder Student

Across the Spider-Verse

Upcoming Spider-Man movie It is official, the new animated Spider-Man movie is in the works. Fans have been raving about it since the first trailer dropped in December 2022 and the media buzz about it has [...]

Second Star to The Right

New live-action Peter Pan movie In 1902, James Matthew Barrie wrote a story about a boy named Peter Pan, who refused to grow up. 50 years later, Disney adapted the story into a movie. Both children and [...]

Hello Sidney

The Resurrection of The Scream Franchise Wes Craven’s Scream franchise single-handedly resurrected the horror movie genre with its pop culture references, iconic characters, and suspense. The Scream [...]

All Around the World

Beyonce's upcoming Renaissance World Tour It's been over a month since Beyoncé announced her world tour, and fans on social media went wild. People are expressing their excitement and their concerns about [...]

Polished Penmanship

Should students be taught cursive? For more than a century, the cursive writing style has been taught in schools all over the globe. Although most used in America, it originated from the ancient Romans in [...]

Early Bird or Late Worm

What time should school start? Ever since people were required to go to school, students have been dreading the inevitable sound of their alarm. It’s a constant battle of turning it off or hitting [...]

Accountability makes change

A breakdown of cultural appropriation The relationship that racial injustice has with history has always been a rocky timeline in multiple settings. Nevertheless, it has progressively shown to be better [...]

Exploring space

The space race never hinders There was once a time when traveling to space was just a dream, but thanks to a lot of drive, ambition, and technological advances, that dream has become a reality. People are [...]

Planning for the Future

College tools and resources For some students, 2023 marks the year of making serious decisions post-graduation. Preparing for college can be a very stressful time for juniors and seniors. But Deerfield [...]

The Price of Retail Therapy

America's shopping addiction  Insatiable spending is a staple of the American culture. As black friday and the holidays come around, capitalism has never thrived more off consumers. This constant [...]