The end of a chapter

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A look on the first semester

The time has come, and the goodbyes have started. The first semester is ending, which was only another chapter in the books for students at Deerfield Beach High School. It is a bittersweet moment of the year as seniors went through their last winter break as high schoolers, and the Bucks prepare for their future adventures and endeavors.

Before students move to their last leg of the year, midterm scores should be checked, and semester grades should be improved to their best capabilities. For students who are unaware, a final grade lower than a D for one quarter and a failing midterm grade will result in a failed semester. Testing has already concluded, and scores are set, so the best option would be to raise the final grade for students in need.

One of the most important parts about the end of a semester is being able to check one’s Grade Point Average (GPA). Students’; GPAs are calculated by their final grades in each course and averaged over a 4-point system. Students can check their updated GPA on virtual counselor when grades officially close on January 22nd , 2024.

Many significant and memorable moments occurred this semester; For example, homecoming and the festivities surrounding it. Starting with spirit week, where students were encouraged to dress up according to the calendar, pep rallies, and multiple games were played in the Rotunda during both A and B lunches.

“Manage tasks efficiently and balance school and social life, do not let one or the other take over,” DBHS upperclassman Saskia Talismond said when asked what advice they would give underclassmen to maintain a good and balanced high school life.”

Students should communicate with their teachers before grades close on January 22 nd after the break. Report cards for the second quarter will be issued on February 1st , 2024.

The end of the first semester is crucial for assessment, reflection, goal setting, planning, and most importantly, resting. It serves as a checkpoint in the academic journey, allowing students and educators to learn from the past and prepare for the future.

Written by Maria Dasilva Rodrigues | Graphic Designed by Maria Dasilva Rodrigues
