Stacey Martinez

ePathfinder Student

 April Showers

Making the most of spring April carries with it the season of keeping green and spring cleaning. Spring is the time of regrowth, new beginnings, and a clean slate as symbolized by the Earth’s nature [...]

Cheating Death

The immortal jellyfish The myth of gaining immortality has been a spectacle in the media for decades. Whether through fairytales or reverse aging regimens, people are fascinated with the idea of never [...]

The Spray Scene

The history of graffiti Art expresses itself through all forms of media and mediums. Oil painters and acrylic artists create elaborate works rich in color and detail. Despite its controversial presence, [...]

Cruelty of Cosmetics

Harmful practices of animal testing Animal testing has been a staple in businesses for years; such as beauty, fashion, and personal care. Yet,many individuals are not conscious of the animal abuse suffered [...]

Music on the Mind

The effect of music productivity Music has been a part of human existence and the natural world since the beginning of time. It is dynamic and constantly evolving. It plays a significant role in modern [...]

Peace and Prejudice

Fighting antisemitism with Lt. Aston Bright On January 27th, Deerfield Beach High School hosted its annual Holocaust Assembly by art teacher Mrs. Sachs. The traditional event served as a day of remembrance [...]

Buried in Black

Six feet deep into the goth subculture To some, 'goth' portrays flinty expressions over a haunting appearance. It depicts the macabre nature of a subject that rattles the spine in amusement. For others, it [...]

Bespelled by Magic

The world of witchcraft Behind the misconstrued images of potions and curses, witchcraft has a vast and complex history. There is more to witchcraft and Wicca beyond the veil of hexes that ancient American [...]

Living Art

A look at Cosplay Culture Dressing up in costumes outside of Halloween may be strange to most, but for some, it is an enjoyable pastime. The longtime hobby of cosplaying has garnered more attention recently [...]

Gravitation of Soul

The historical significance of soul music Soul music has captured audiences through its mellifluous rhythms, uplifting lyrics, and smooth vocals. Throughout its evolution, many artists have contributed to [...]