Stacey Martinez

ePathfinder Student

Socially Accepted to Rejected

A history of men's makeup "Men and makeup" have become synonymous with disgust and distaste in society for a long time. However, as much anti-male expression propaganda has existed for centuries, its [...]

Look the Way You Live

Two students on a path of entrepreneurship Making it momentous in a career is a big dream for some people, and D&Rville takes the first step towards achieving that. Taking place in the competitive [...]

Experiencing Japan in Deerfield

DBHS' Japan Club In the 110 hallway, the Japan Club  meets with students of all ethnic backgrounds to expand their knowledge of a different culture. Fun activities and games make up only a small portion of [...]

Planning for the Future

College tools and resources For some students, 2023 marks the year of making serious decisions post-graduation. Preparing for college can be a very stressful time for juniors and seniors. But Deerfield [...]

Kicking at the Frontline

Karim Tarhini leads DBHS’ soccer team Deerfield Beach High School's soccer team is led to success under the bright leadership of captain Karim Tarhini. Through trial and error, he has climbed to the top [...]

Taking Leadership

Cathlin Caldas' notable contributions The bright Cathlin Caldas excels as a student and supports Deerfield Beach High School in various ways. Taking on many responsibilities, she continues to aid her [...]

Illuminating Outstanding Students

National Honor Society's upcoming events National Honor Society commemorates the hard-working and outstanding scholars of Deerfield Beach High School in a new year of projects and opportunities. Following [...]

Students Embracing Creativity

A deeper look into the art club Granting the opportunity to express creativity and showcase artistic talent is the creed of Deerfield Beach High School's art club. Run by Mr. Traxler and Mrs. Sachs, [...]

Making LGBTQ History

The Legacy of the Stonewall Riots Not even in the comfort of each others' company could the LGBTQ+  community find safety in the 20th century. Laws enforced by authorities brought down what little dignity [...]

Expressing Pain Through Art

Frida Kahlo’s life of sacrifice, pain, and misery expressed through her portraits Through her trials of marital entrapment, emotional repression, and creative belittlement, Frida Kahlo carved her name [...]