Jennifer Landaverde

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Perspectives Editor

A creative writer named Jennifer Landaverde, she enjoys being out of the house and socializing with others. Along with writing in any form or genre, Jennifer enjoys acting, gaming and listening to music in any and all free time. She holds a broad horizon of music taste, with her all time favorite artists being SZA and TXT.

Recent Stories

  • Expresso with Education
    Should schools sell coffee? Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks worldwide. While it is often advised for underage people not to drink it, high school students tend to make or buy some as… Read more: Expresso with Education
  • Costs of Cutting
    Effects of Budget Cuts Budget cuts in schools can affect the quality of education and the overall school environment. When schools face financial restrictions, they tend to cut back on resources, which could include cutting… Read more: Costs of Cutting


Content by Jennifer Landaverde


ePathfinder Stories

  • Autism Acceptance Month
    Support on the spectrum April marks the start of autism acceptance month, a time dedicated to spreading understanding, inclusivity, and support for people on the spectrum. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that impacts a person’s neurological development; it influences social, learning, communicative, and behavioral challenges. There is often… Read more: Autism Acceptance Month
  • Kalos’ Next Generation
    The long awaited Pokemon Legends: Z-A Everyone knows and loves one of the most famous anime out there, Pokémon. This anime captivated the hearts of many from the east to the west. What many do not know is that the Pokémon series originated as a video game. Now there are… Read more: Kalos’ Next Generation
  • Coping with Stress
    National stress awareness month Stress is a universal factor that penalizes the daily lives of billions of people. It’s a common factor often overlooked that profoundly impacts the body’s state of health and well-being. People often act solo and develop bad coping habits. The feeling of tension, pressure, and the… Read more: Coping with Stress
  • The Last Airbender
    The live-action Avatar series When ‘Avatar’ is mentioned, most people immediately think of the blue-skinned warriors of Pandora. But others know that Avatar: The Last Airbender took over the world first in 2005 as an animated series that aired on Nickelodeon. A live-action movie was made in 2010 which also… Read more: The Last Airbender
  •  Looking Back
    Feminism in the 60s Hardly long ago, women were denied many of the rights and respect paid to the general population of men. Many of the first achievements by men, such as attending an Ivy League university, venturing into space, or voting, were difficult for women to achieve due to… Read more:  Looking Back