Jennifer Landaverde

ePathfinder Student

New Found Buddy

 Is it better to adopt or to buy a pet? Pets are treasured worldwide, no matter the animal. To own a pet, one could adopt, or buy. Depending on the type of animal and breed, a breeder can be pricey, with a [...]

Tall Tales Told

Are fairy tales bad for children? Fabled stories before bed or watching animated adaptations like Cinderella growing up can be connected to the fact that fairytales are a commodity in a child’s life. [...]

Expresso with Education

Should schools sell coffee? Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks worldwide. While it is often advised for underage people not to drink it, high school students tend to make or buy some as a part of [...]

Costs of Cutting

Effects of Budget Cuts Budget cuts in schools can affect the quality of education and the overall school environment. When schools face financial restrictions, they tend to cut back on resources, which [...]

Reading Between the Lines

The banning of books in school Most people have read at least one book growing up, whether it was as early as pre-k or as late as college. It is uncommon for someone to have never read something at some [...]

Expression Beyond Words

Benefits of performing arts Art comes in many ways, shape and form. It can even come in the guise of an act; whether it be dance, music, theater, and marching band, performing arts are one of the most [...]

Tune Into Class

Should students be able to listen to music during class? This generation of students grew up using cell phones and digital music platforms. Some find it helpful in the process of studying or doing [...]

Clearing Out Threats

Do clear bags make school safe? School supplies aren't the only materials students are putting in their backpacks with the new 2023-2024 school year opening up. Everyone carries other things, such as [...]

High or Low?

Debatable graduation requirements Graduation requirements remain a constant topic amongst high-schoolers and especially seniors. Some people believe the requirements are too much and should be easier to [...]

Traditional vs. Online Schooling

Work at a comfortable pace The battle between online school and traditional school has been a topic circulating in the community of parents and students within the system of education. Both are options that [...]