Jazmine Worell Bazile

ePathfinder Student

Reinventing Your Style

Finding a Style That Fits You Modern society is bursting with new forms of self-expression, and fashion is a significant part of the movement. Dozens of various aesthetics crowd the streets and bring cities [...]

Helping Communities

Places and Ways to Volunteer A vital part of high school is giving back to communities. Volunteering is an inexpensive way to show appreciation for people and help them. Not only does it help in preparation [...]

Earth Day

Commemorating the Earth’s Resources  The end of April draws closer, and with it comes the celebration of Earth Day. Celebrated annually on the 22nd of April, Earth Day aims to commemorate the Earth's [...]

Celebrating Black Culture

The Black History Showcase Arrives  In 1926, Carter G. Woodson established the first official Negro History Week. His goal was to promote and educate people about Black history, culture, and the [...]

Access Testing comes to Deerfield

Preparing for the Future The Assessment of Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State, also known as ACCESS testing, is administered annually. The test is administered to students who do [...]

From Textbooks to Tablets

School Technology Through the Years Knowledge has always been an important commodity, cultivated for thousands of years. The passing of information between generations has been facilitated by education [...]

Striving for Better Health

Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep Over the years, the quality of sleep for society as a whole has decreased. Sleep has become so overlooked that it is largely ignored today. Even though teens and adults are [...]

Take Action Before Its Too Late

September is Suicide Awareness Month  In 2019, suicide was ranked as the 10th leading cause of death for people in the United States, claiming the lives of over 47,000 people. For people aged 10 to 34, [...]