Life Beyond Earth 

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Does extraterrestrial life exist?

During the 1940s and 50s, several reports of flying saucers took America by storm. Since then, there have been many sightings, theories, and research on UFOs and aliens. It is safe to say that aliens have been in the spotlight for a considerable time, especially in the past year.

During a congress meeting in 2023, military officials released information about Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) and possible extraterrestrial life. The main topic of discussion for the hearing was to improve the processes for reporting UAPs and to eradicate the stigma of reporting sightings. During the congressional hearing, a former military member, Dave Grusch, claimed to know the exact locations of alien crafts. Additionally, Navy fighter pilot Ryan Graves and retired Commander David Fravor testified about their encounter with unexplainable aircraft.

Nasa held a public meeting on UFOs about a year after starting a study on unexplained sightings. The study was conducted using public and unclassified information to understand what’s going on in the sky. And to shift public perception of UAP, remove stigma, and promote a more scientific understanding of the topic, similar to Maj. Grusch. It was also concluded, during this meeting, that sometimes it is an optical illusion, and sometimes what people think they see is not what was there.

While there is no definitive proof of extraterrestrial life, there are planets that can sustain life. In a recent study by Harvard University biophysicist Jonah Peter, he and his team found compounds and elements of Saturn’s moon, Enceladus, which could serve as building blocks for potential life. While the study found no direct evidence, it does not prove that there are no other living beings in the vast universe. The exploration of extraterrestrial phenomena demands careful scientific inquiry and transparency.

Although scientists have been conducting many studies and research, there is no definitive answer about the existence of extraterrestrial life. However, this does not rule out the possibility of its existence somewhere in space. If there is a chance, scientists will continue to conduct studies and research until they can obtain an exact answer.

Written by Erik Miranda  | Graphic Designed by Erik Miranda