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Getting home runs in 2024

As spring baseball slowly approaches, the Deerfield Beach High Bucks baseball team is ready for what this new season brings. The previous record last year was a whopping 12-8 and they made it to the playoffs. Unfortunately, they were then eliminated by the Seminole Ridge Hawks.

During this year’s fall ball, the boy’s baseball team did not disappoint. Their record consisted of eight wins, six losses, and one draw. This allowed the team to pin down their weaknesses and their strengths during the fall season, which is crucial when working as a team. The boys plan to straighten these wrinkles out and maximize their strengths to ensure the chances of going further than the playoffs.

“I think the difference between this season and last season is that we have a lot less skills starting, but we have a lot more heart than before. Last season we had skill, but I always live by this one quote that hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard, and I feel like that represents us,” said DBHS outfielder Shane Gonzalez.

Their main goal for this spring season is to clean up the little things they need to fix and to keep their confidence at an all-time high as they find that correlates with times when their performance was excellent.

“The hardest obstacle would have to be injuries as we already suffering with a lot of injuries, but we are committed to staying focused and locking in for this season,” said Gonzalez.

The Bucks’ baseball team is very excited and ready to dominate rival teams this season. The schedule for the season can be found on MaxPreps. Students and staff should attend the upcoming games and show their support for the Bucks boys’ baseball team, giving them even more confidence they need.

Written by Jasraj Sarkar | Graphic Designed by Jeffery Paz